Fábio Júlio da Silva Valentim
Associate Professor III
Department of Mathematics
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from UFES (2004), a Master's degree (2006), and a Ph.D. (2010) in Mathematics from the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics - IMPA. He has been a professor at UFES since 2006. Conducts research in the area of Probability and Analysis, with an emphasis on the Hydrodynamic Behavior of Interacting Particle Systems.
Research Line
Main area: Probability
Secondary area: Analysis
Keywords: Hydrodynamic Behavior of Interacting Particle Systems; Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Address: Federal University of Espírito Santo
Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514, 29075-910 - Vitória - ES, Brazil
Room: 201 - PPGMAT
Phone: (27) 4009 2474
Email: fabio.valentim [at] ufes.br
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