
The Postgraduate Program in Mathematics (PPGMAT) at UFES was created by the University Council on September 29, 2003, and its academic activities began in January 2006, following approval by the Technical-Scientific Council of CAPES on September 15, 2005.

Since its establishment, under CAPES code 30001013023P5, PPGMAT has achieved its main objectives with a significant track record of accomplishments:

Scientific Publications: Strengthening research activities with publications in major international journals.

Events: PPGMAT promotes a series of events that enrich the academic and professional training of its students. These events include meetings, workshops, summer schools, and seminars held regularly. Supported by important funding agencies such as CNPq, CAPES, FAPES, and FACITEC, these events provide opportunities for students to interact with renowned researchers, present their work, and stay updated on recent advances in Mathematics. Additionally, the program encourages participation in activities that promote integration between undergraduate and graduate studies, strengthening the academic community and contributing to the scientific and technological development of the country.

Education: PPGMAT offers rigorous and comprehensive training, preparing students for careers in research, teaching, and the application of Mathematics. With a strong foundation in various areas and a highly qualified faculty, the program promotes participation in seminars, workshops, and research projects from the outset. This practical and theoretical approach prepares graduates for doctoral programs or for roles as teachers and researchers in educational institutions and companies that require advanced skills in Mathematics.

Faculty: The PPGMAT faculty mainly consists of professors from the Department of Mathematics (DMAT) who come from renowned national and international institutions. They work in diverse research areas, including: Algebra, Analysis and Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis and Computer Graphics, Algebraic Geometry and Foliation, Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Topology, Probability and Stochastic Processes. Faculty research activities have intensified with the program's implementation, thanks to actions such as project approval by government agencies, collaboration with external researchers, exchange programs with other research institutions, student involvement in projects, and improvements in infrastructure.

Exchange and Collaborations: PPGMAT values and encourages faculty exchanges and collaborations, recognizing the importance of these activities for academic and scientific development. Program faculty frequently participate in scientific visits to other institutions, both national and international, facilitating knowledge and experience exchange with researchers from around the world.

These collaborations result in joint research projects, co-authored publications, and participation in highly relevant scientific events. Moreover, many faculty members conduct postdoctoral fellowships at centers of excellence, where they deepen their research and establish new partnerships.

The program also promotes cooperation with other research institutions, facilitating student and faculty exchanges and joint activities such as seminars, workshops, and courses. These initiatives not only enrich student training but also strengthen PPGMAT's scientific output, contributing to its visibility and recognition in the academic community.

Through these exchange and collaboration efforts, PPGMAT stays updated with the latest advances in Mathematics and ensures that its faculty and students are part of a global network of knowledge and innovation.

Coordinator History

28/03/2024 to 27/03/2026: Coordinator: Leonardo Meireles Câmara | Sub-coordinator: Renato Fehlberg Júnior

26/04/2022 to 27/03/2024: Coordinator: João Paulo Costalonga | Sub-coordinator: Leonardo Meireles Câmara

2017 to 25/04/2022: Coordinator: Fábio Júlio da Silva Valentim | Sub-coordinator: Fabiano Petronetto do Carmo

2015-2017: Coordinator: José Gilvan de Oliveira | Sub-coordinator: Fábio Júlio da Silva Valentim

2013-2015: Coordinator: José Gilvan de Oliveira | Sub-coordinator: Milton Edwin Cobo Cortez

2011-2013: Coordinator: José Gilvan de Oliveira | Sub-coordinator: Fábio Júlio da Silva Valentim

2009-2011: Coordinator: Ricardo Soares Leite | Sub-coordinator: Leonardo Meireles Câmara

2007-2009: Coordinator: Valmecir Antonio dos Santos Bayer | Sub-coordinator: Ricardo Soares Leite

2005-2007: Coordinator: Regina Maria de Aquino | Sub-coordinator: Milton Edwin Cobo Cortez

2004-2005: Coordinator: José Miguel Malacarne | Sub-coordinator: Regina Maria de Aquino

2003-2004: Coordinator: Domingos Sávio Valério Silva | Sub-coordinator: José Gilvan de Oliveira

CAPES Concept History

2017-2020: Grade 3 (Regular/Good)

2013-2016: Grade 3 (Regular/Good)

2010-2012: Grade 3 (Good)

2007-2009: Grade 3 (Good)

2005-2006: Grade 3 (Regular)

2003-2005: SC (No Concept)

PPGMAT's CAPES concept history reveals a consistent Grade 3 throughout evaluations, indicating regular to good performance. Although the grade has remained stable, the program has continuously worked to meet and exceed all evaluative criteria set by CAPES in recent assessments.

One justification for the consistent Grade 3 is the lack of financial resources, insufficient research funding, and negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the program has endeavored to secure new scholarships to intensify support for students and ensure their continuity.

Continued efforts include improving scientific output, with a significant increase in publications in prestigious international journals. PPGMAT has also invested in the qualification of its faculty, encouraging participation in postdoctoral programs and international collaborations.

Furthermore, the program has sought to expand its outreach activities, participating in specific calls to fund extension projects of the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics and its contribution to social improvement. The program aims to promote high-level academic events and reinforce integration between undergraduate and graduate studies.

Another crucial focus has been improving research infrastructure, acquiring new equipment, and modernizing laboratories, providing a more suitable environment for cutting-edge research.

Despite the Grade 3, PPGMAT's commitment to excellence is evident in its actions and results. The program continues to strive for higher levels of evaluation, reflecting its dedication to significantly contribute to the advancement of Mathematics in Brazil and worldwide.

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