

The Graduate Program in Mathematics (PPGMAT) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) is the only academic postgraduate program in mathematics in the state. With a crucial strategic role, PPGMAT significantly contributes to regional development, directly impacting the training of qualified human resources. Founded in 2006, the program offers a solid structure for teaching and research, recognized for its excellence in training master's students who continue in renowned doctoral programs in Brazil and abroad or who teach at various public and private institutions.

Since the inauguration of its new headquarters in 2018, PPGMAT has a modern infrastructure that includes offices for all faculty members, exclusive rooms for students, a library with a large collection in Mathematics, and an auditorium for seminars and defenses. The program also has two research laboratories, as well as support provided by the Computational Mathematics and Informatics Laboratory (LIMC) of the Mathematics Department and the Informatics Laboratory of the Center for Exact Sciences (LCEx). All these resources, integrated into the eduroam educational network, provide a conducive environment for research and academic development in the field of mathematics.


The mission of PPGMAT is to qualify professionals in the field of mathematics, meeting the demand of the state of Espírito Santo and neighboring regions. The program encourages qualified research, intellectual production, and the formation of research groups. Additionally, it promotes the dissemination and popularization of mathematics, contributing to the social, scientific, and technological development of the region.


PPGMAT has the following main objectives:

Human Resource Training: Prepare professionals for higher education and for the continuation of their studies in doctoral programs.

Research Incentive: Stimulate scientific research among its faculty members.

Development of Research Groups: Promote the emergence, strengthening, and consolidation of research groups, encouraging partnerships with other national and international institutions.

Scientific Dissemination: Offer scientific events to promote mathematics at various levels.

Scientific Exchange: Encourage scientific exchange between researchers and students from different institutions.

Since the beginning of its activities in 2006, PPGMAT has successfully achieved its objectives, standing out in the training of seventy-five masters. These graduates are currently in prestigious doctoral programs in Brazil and abroad or teaching at various public and private institutions, mainly in the state of Espírito Santo.

Research Lines

PPGMAT consolidates itself in four main research areas:


Analysis and Differential Equations

Geometry and Topology

Applied Mathematics and Probability

These research lines cover both pure and applied mathematics, providing comprehensive and solid training to its students.

With a history of success and significant contribution to the academic and scientific development of the region, the Graduate Program in Mathematics at UFES establishes itself as a fundamental pillar for the training of highly qualified professionals in the field of mathematics.

Social Media

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Follow our pages to stay up to date with all the news, events, research, and much more about the Graduate Program in Mathematics at UFES (PPGMAT). Join our online community and closely follow everything that happens in our program.

We look forward to interacting with you on social media!



About the program page:

Prof. Carolina Pereiro (carolina.pereiro [at]

Prof. Maico Ribeiro (maico.ribeiro [at]

Transparência Pública
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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910