Lecture Series

The PPGMAT lecture series covers a wide range of topics within mathematics, from more theoretical areas like Analysis, Algebra, and Geometry to applications in physics, engineering, and other sciences. Frequently, PPGMAT invites speakers from other institutions, both national and international, providing a broader and more diverse perspective. These events are regularly organized and can occur weekly or biweekly, either in-person or virtually, depending on the program's schedule. The lectures are typically open to all interested parties, encouraging participation from undergraduate and graduate students, as well as other related fields. See the full schedule below.

If you are interested in presenting a lecture in the PPGMAT Lecture Series, please contact the organizer, Prof. Brayan Ferreira, via email at brayan.ferreira [at] ufes.br.



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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910